First Aid

First Aid

Regardless of the job, regardless of the situation, first aid may be needed at any moment, in any setting. Having the skills to deal with first aid situations is not only a handy qualification to have in terms of employability, but it can quite literally be a life-saver.
If you think of the term ‘first aid’, then you will recognise its point is to be able to administer necessary aid, or medical help, that cannot be put off until emergency services arrive who will ultimately manage the situation using more involved medical techniques matched by with the advance knowledge and training needed. However, first aid can also be applied even when aftercare is not required. For example, using and applying a band-aid, or attending to a minor burn with a basic burns kit, may be all that is ever needed in terms of medical help for some. However, knowing how to assess the injury, being able to recognise the cause and therefore arrange prevention, and being able to deal with more serious life-threatening injuries or health problems are a major part of the role of a first aider.
Hopefully, if you aren’t working in the care industry and within a care setting, you may never have to use the more intense first aid training you will receive every year, but it is nonetheless, an important part of the first aid course, that would have to be provided by professional trainers. The yearly training does so much more than prove to people that you are qualified and still capable of administering first aid. It also keeps you up to date with changes in any legislation pertaining to the world of first aid care, and it keeps you abreast of any developments in the medical world. New research as well as new equipment may alter the way you administer first aid and the type of first aid you choose to use. For example, some organisations are trying to arrange for every public building, particularly schools, to have a defibrillator on the premises. If these we’re not available, you would only have the usual resuscitation procedures to use. Also, the speed in which chest compressions were administered has also changed, in line with current recommendation.
Whether you are looking for a first aid course for yourself as an individual to increase your skills, or you are trying to find an organisation to train a number of your staff on how to administer first aid, Action Plus First Aid can help. We hold a number of courses related to health services including first aid, mental health first aid, and PHSE skills (Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education). The first aid course includes a 1-day basic first aid course, and a more intensive involved 3-day first aid course for those working in areas where there is more risk and if they are part of a specific first aid team, rather than just being the work based first aider.
For more information on the packages we provide, or to organise first aid training, check out or make an enquiry and we will get back to you.