Courses In First Aid

Ever Wanted to Study First Aid? Now’s Your Chance

First aid is one of the most under-appreciated skills in the modern world. The ability to safely look after someone and deal with minor injuries is often overlooked due to our reliance on emergency services. However, it always helps to have someone act as a stand-in before medical services can reach the injured.

If you’ve ever felt hopeless, lost or even a burden, then you probably have a desire to never be in that situation again. The next time a loved one or a friend is injured, will you stand by helpless as you wait for emergency services to arrive, or will you take action because you’ve studied first aid?

Practical First Aid Designed to Be Used

Unlike other courses in first aid, our course is designed to be practical and used in real-life situations. That’s why our 3-hour qualification will teach you not only how to deal with injuries and accidents, but also how to follow it up. You’ll study how to react and stay calm during an accident, how to prioritise injuries depending on the severity and also how to give life-saving information to the emergency services when they finally arrive.

Most people have bits and pieces of knowledge that will help them deal with injured friends and members of the public, but it’s usually not enough to ensure the safety and well-being of the injured. Our course will teach you what to do every step of the way, which sets us apart from other courses in first aid. All of our courses also include defibrillator training in the event of an emergency situation. No matter what happens, you will be prepared after you finish our course.

A Variety of Courses Fit for Anyone

No matter who you are, we can teach you first aid skills that can be utilised in the field. All of our courses vary in length but they all meet the Ofqual and HSE requirements, proving that we’re qualified to teach you how to handle first aid.

Our bespoke courses are suitable for groups and teams in working environments. We can schedule large group meetings to teach a group different first aid skills, or we can tailor our courses in first aid to individuals. Whether you own a company, manage a team or if you’re a baby sitter that just wants to learn how to deal with a sick child, we have you covered with our wide selection of courses.

Take Action and Save a Life in the Future

The next time someone close to you is injured, will you stand by and wait while they suffer, or will you take action and perform first aid? Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements. We have plenty of upcoming dates for courses on various subjects and we are also open for company or group bookings. If you have a reason or the passion to learn, then we’ll provide you with the resources.