Development reviews and consultancies

Development reviews and consultancies
If you have a management role in a large organisation, like a charity group, a business or a school, you likely understand the importance of development reviews and consultancies. After all, you want to ensure that your organisation is moving forwards and making good choices. You also want to ensure that you are up to date with industry or regulatory requirements, such as those required by Ofqual and the Independent Schools Inspectorate for the education sector. Wanting to move your organisation forward and improve efficiency and performance is admirable and will no doubt reap good results.
At the same time, there are two factors that can hinder good intentions. One can be limited budgets and resources. If you have to make choices over how your limited resources can be used, it can be difficult to know which is the more important option to choose, and what will lead to greater benefits. Secondly, you could feel that you do not have the technical expertise to know how to take steps forward, to make improvements or to comply with regulatory requirements.
When it comes to first aiders and health care, look no further than Action + First Aid. We specialise in providing development review and consultancies to help organisations and businesses to identify areas where they need to improve in health care or medical coverage. In many businesses, and especially in schools and nurseries, having adequate first aid is a fundamental requirement. More than a regulatory expectation, it is also important if you want to take good care of your students, service users, customers, team members or employees.
At Action + First Aid, we have the expertise you need. We can provide a development review of your existing policies and provision, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Because we have extensive experience in providing specialist consultations in this area, we can guide you to the right conclusions and help you to make the best choices. Jane Graham is a leading expert in this field. She has over 30 years of experience in health care and first aid, including degrees in Child Health and Advanced Nursing Practice. She has trained doctors, qualified nurses and trainees, as well as lecturing at Southbank University on the subject and setting up nursing services in two independent schools. As you can see, you are in safe hands with Action + First Aid when you need development reviews and consultancies.
As well as providing professional recommendation and guidance, Action + First Aid is ready to provide the training and support you need to make any necessary changes. For example, if you need first aiders, you can book the full first aid at work course, the FAW requalification course, or the shorter one day first aid training course. Additionally, there are specialist first aid options available, like sports first aid or mental health first aid training.
For more information about development reviews and consultancies for first aid and health care, contact Action + First Aid today.