News and latest health and wellbeing updates

News and latest health and wellbeing updates
Keeping up to date with first aid and health care news, as well as the latest health and wellbeing updates, can be challenging. It is very easy to think that you are up to date with the latest information, only to discover that things have changed. What may once have been the standard procedure of method may now be outdated and considered bad practice. This could equally apply to the methods used in caring for an injured person as to the policies and documentation that you need to have prepared for an inspection or unexpected review.
At Action + First, we can make sure that you have the news and latest health and wellbeing updates. We are constantly active in providing high quality training for first aiders in a range of businesses and organisations, and this means that we have our finger on the pulse for the latest updates and information.
One of the ways that we can help you to keep on top of the latest updates and news is by providing a consultancy and reviewing service. We can assess your provisions and policies to ensure that you are conforming to the industry standards. For example, if you are a manager in a school, we can ensure that you are providing first aid coverage that meets the standards expected by organisations like Ofqual. As well as identifying areas of strength, we can also assess weaknesses to ensure that you are aware of any shortfalls in your current setup compared to what would be expected in an inspection.
As well, we can help you to keep up to date with the new and latest health and wellbeing updates through the training that we provide. Whether you have a small or a large team, we provide high quality training courses. We ensure that all training is up to date and covers the latest, current guidelines and requirements. After all, just because you learned something years ago on a course does not automatically mean that your knowledge is up to date or accurate.
We provide a range of training courses. One of the most popular choices is the full first aid at work course, sometimes known as FAW. This three day course is considered the standard for many situations, including in the workplace. We also provide the FAW requalification training if your certificate is coming up for renewal. As well as this standard choice of qualification, we provide other training. Our options include the shorter, one day first aid at work qualification, a course specifically aimed at PE teachers and sports coaches, a paediatric first aid qualification and a mental health first aid option. These are ideal for keeping you and your staff up to date with the latest information.
For more information about our courses, or enquiries about news and latest health and wellbeing updates, contact Action + First Aid today. We are available using the links on the website. We are ready to discuss how we can help you and your business or organisation.