Practical first aid training

Practical First Aid Training

At Action+ First Aid, our mission is to offer practical first aid training on a number of levels to anyone from the national workforce or wider community who wants it. The more people in society who are able to take immediate steps to care for those who suddenly become ill or receive an injury, the more of our fellow citizens we can save from premature death. By choosing practical first aid training from an experienced and highly qualified source, you can be sure that the course will not only include accurate information, but also that this will be presented in a logical and engaging manner to enable first aiders to fully understand what they are being trained to do, and why it is done that way.
Having first aid– trained staff on hand is a legal requirement for most workplaces, but more than simply a way of following the rules, employers should think of regular practical first aid training as a way of investing in their workforce. Training from Action+ covers, not only the practical processes of treating an ill or injured person, but also the reasons behind them. This can improve first aid care in a number of ways: firstly, knowing why certain procedures are to be performed will help the practitioner to more easily call to mind the right information in an emergency. It will strike them as the logical thing to do, based on their understanding of basic human physiology. Secondly, it will give them more confidence in caring for all their patients needs. This includes communicating with the patient, contacting emergency services promptly, and so forth. Seemingly small matters can sometimes make a big difference to the outcome of first aid situations.
A further advantage of contacting Action+ for your practical first aid training is our commitment to staying at the cutting edge of developments in first aid practice. Training courses such as First Aid At Work must be repeated periodically, not just as a reminder to candidates, but also because the practice of first aid is constantly under development in order to continuously improve the results of emergency situations. At Action+, we pride ourselves on not only staying fully up-to-date with the information for the courses we offer, but also looking to the future by offering additional resources covering developing areas such as mental health first aid.
The training courses from Action+ are as ‘hands-on’ as circumstances will allow. No matter how much book knowledge a colleague may have, it is difficult to be prepared for the first time you have to use your first aid skills in real life. The practical first aid training we provide is geared toward helping the practitioner to develop the attitude as well as the skills to face such situations with courage and resolve.
There are thought to be 140,000 deaths in the UK each year which could have been prevented by prompt first aid. Every workplace employee or private citizen who signs up for practical first aid training is volunteering to help to drive that number down. Contact Action+ First Aid for more information.