Mental Health First Aid Surrey

Mental health first aid is the help given to a person experiencing a mental health crisis or problem. Just like physical first aid, mental health first aid helps to support a person until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. mental health problems are common, and one in four people in the United Kingdom will experience a mental health problem in any given year. In addition, in England, one in six people will experience a mental health problem in any given week. That's why it's so important to know how to provide mental health first aid!
What Is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental health first aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course that teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health and provide help on a first aid basis. The course covers a range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, psychosis, and bipolar disorder, just to name a few.
mental health first aid courses are available for anyone aged 16 or over. No previous experience or qualifications are required, just a willingness to learn and help others.
There are three different mental health first aid courses available in Surrey:
A) Two day - mental health first aiders course
B) One day - mental health first aiders champions course
C) Three hour - mental health awareness course
Why Are Mental Health First Aid Courses Important?
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Just like our physical health, our mental health can be affected by a whole range of things – from the food we eat to how much sleep we get and everything in between. Sound mental health is essential because it makes up who we are as people; it contributes to our happiness, wellbeing, and ability to cope with stress. When our mental health is good, we feel good mentally and emotionally; when it's not so good, we may feel down, anxious, stressed, or depressed.
Mental health first aid is important because it gives people the tools they need to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental ill-health in others. Just as physical first aid training teaches people how to deal with an emergency until professional help arrives, mental health first aiders learn skills that can prevent a mental health crisis from becoming worse.
What Will You Learn?
The mental health first aid course covers the following: types of mental illness, symptoms, triggers and warning signs, what to do if someone has a panic attack or suicidal thoughts, and practical advice on self-care for first aiders.
Some of the key benefits of attending a mental health first aid course include: gaining an understanding of mental health problems, developing listening and communication skills, learning how to provide initial support to someone in distress, and increasing your knowledge of self-care strategies.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone can benefit from learning mental health first aid! The course is designed for people who work with, live with, or care for others, including parents, friends, neighbours, and colleagues.
Action + First Aid is based in Surrey and offers mental health first aid courses throughout the UK. So if you want to make a difference and be more aware of the people in need around you, then contact us today to make a booking for your mental health first aid course!