
Action + First aid Policies

Action+First Aid

Practical first aid for everyone


GDPR Statement

Action + First Aid retains clients personal data for the sole purpose of notifying Past candidates and enqiring candidates of first aid renewal dates and forthcomming courses. The clients Data will be stored on an Private electronic database which will not be shared with anyone.

May 2018 reviewed June 2020


Health & Safety Policy Statement

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Our Statement of General Policy is:

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities;
  • To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work;
  • To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health;
  • To implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident;
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances.

The duties of employees are to:

  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and that of others who may be affected by their acts of omissions at work;
  • Co-operate with others within the company to fulfil our statutory duties;
  • Not interfere with, misuse or wilfully damage anything provided in the interest of health and safety.
  • Action+First Aid

Holmwood, 182 The Street

West Horsley

Surrey KT24 6HS

 01483 282235 or 07703437272




Dated:  28/9/12 reviewed November 2017  Reviewed June 2020

Next review:  June 2021


Action+First Aid

Practical first aid for everyone




Action +First Aid is an equal opportunity business taking into account the diversity within our workforce, customers and learners. 

We believe that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their religion, beliefs, age, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.


Commitment to Equality & Diversity

The Equality & Diversity Policy requires commitment from everyone within the Company.  Our Manager Jane Graham, is responsible for the implementation and effective operation of this policy and copies can be obtained from our Manager janegraham@actionplusfirstaid.co.uk upon request.

This policy and the legislation it represents will be taken into account during the design and development of all our manuals and literature.


Our Responsibilities

As an employer we ensure that we have a workplace where staff feel valued, respected and included.  Upon commencement of their employment, staff will be informed of the existence of this Policy and the company’s expectations of them under its terms. Harassment, exclusion and bullying will not be tolerated on any level.  All staff should feel comfortable at work and always be treated with dignity and respect. 

We will ensure that fair standards of employment practice and proper records of employment decisions are maintained.

We will deliver training on new and revised legislation to all our staff.

We will treat all our business partners, customers and learners with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times.


Employees’ Responsibilities

All of our employees must adhere to and comply with this Policy and the spirit in which it is written.

Employees must treat all colleagues and customers with courtesy, respect and consideration at all times.

If employees believe that any form of discrimination is taking place within the workplace, we expect them to report this to senior management immediately.


Your Rights & Responsibilities

You can expect to be treated with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times by our staff and we expect you to treat our staff in the same way.

You will not be discriminated against, or treated less favourably in any way on the grounds of your religion, beliefs, age, gender, race, disability, or sexual orientation.


Wherever possible all vacancy advertisements will include an appropriate short statement on equal opportunity and diversity, and steps will be taken to ensure that knowledge of vacancies reaches all areas of the community.  We will also endeavour to ensure that all vacancies are advertised both internally and externally simultaneously.

The selection criteria (job description and employee specification) for all roles will be kept under constant review to ensure that they are essential for the effective performance of the job.

Remuneration will be set for the advertised position before applicants are seen and selected.

Wherever possible, more than one person must be involved in the recruitment and selection process. In addition, the reasons for the selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies must be recorded.


Employee Training and Promotion

Whilst all training and employment opportunities will be offered strictly on merit, we will encourage underrepresented groups to apply for these opportunities within our company.

Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary or unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.


Objectives of the Policy

No applicant, employee or customer will receive less favourable treatment or be subjected to any form of discrimination.

All employees and customers will be given the help they need to attain their full potential wherever that is possible.

We secure the best employees for our needs by accessing all sections of the community.

We achieve an ability based workforce that is in line with the working population mix.


Feedback and Complaints

We will deal with any complaints of discrimination quickly and in a constructive manner.

Any feedback or complaints that we receive will be dealt with compassionately.  We appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to raise and individuals may feel uncomfortable or intimidated.  We are committed to ensuring that you feel able to come forward without fear. 

If you have any concerns, please contact:-

Jane Graham


182 The Street

West Horsley


KT24 6HS

01483 282235 or 07703437272




This policy runs through every function of our business.  We understand the importance of equality and diversity and will ensure that this policy is being implemented by all concerned.



This policy takes into account the following existing legislation:-

  • The Equal Pay Act 1970
  • Human Rights Act 1988
  • Civil Partnership Act 2004
  • Gender Recognition Act 2004
  • The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • The Asylum & Immigration Act 1996


Monitoring & Review

We will monitor all of the feedback that we receive in relation to the issues affected by the Policy and will amend the policy as necessary.

The Policy will be updated with any amendments to existing legislation or new legislation.

In any event, this policy will be reviewed annually.


Action +First Aid

Holmwood, 182 The Street, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6HS

01483 282235 or 07703437272





Dated:  28th September 2012 reviewed 3/11/17 Reviewed June 2020

Next review:  June 2021