Pre-inspection checks and advice

Pre-inspection checks and advice
No one likes getting an inspection. Whether it is a medical inspection, an MOT for your car, or some type of exam, being inspected is not a pleasant experience that you look forward to. Some inspections might tax your mentally, others have financial costs, others take your time.
The same applies to inspections of your school, workplace or nursery. These can be highly stressful, causing pressure for management and employees alike. Even the best prepared organisations can feel trepidation when contemplating an upcoming inspection visit. For example, if you are management in a school, you might be planning with a view to the next inspection by an Ofqual or Independent Schools Inspectorate team. If so, you need to have the confidence that everything is in order, and this means being able to identify weaker areas of practice and put a plan in place to make improvements.
At Action + First Aid, we ensure that you have all the support that you need. One challenge faced by school leaders and managers of organisations is having the expertise to assess and implement first aid protocols and provisions. This is particularly significant, because increasingly educational and organisational inspections prioritise health and safety, which includes ensuring that legal standards for first aid care are met. It would be a shame for your organisation to perform well in academic or professional areas but to then be marked down because of an ineffective or inadequate first aid provision.
Of course, as well as the technical requirements of having a first aid coverage that is adequate for your regulatory requirements, there is also the fact that you want to provide good care and support for your employees, service users or students. Knowing that you have everything organised and correctly prepared could make the difference if an accident or a medical emergency occurs.
At Action + First Aid, we provide the pre-inspection checks and advice that you require. We can carry out a site visit, as well as consultation sessions, to assess how well your setup meets the standards that you will be inspected with. This includes reviewing your policies, as well as staff qualifications and the physical provision of care including the space that you use for first aid care and the equipment and supplies that you have on hand.
Having carried out the pre-inspection checks, we can then give you the right advice. This will identify key areas to improve, as well as making practical suggestions. This could include providing assistance in amending policies and documentation. It could also include providing industry standard training such as the nationally recognised first aid at work qualification, the one day first aid at work training course, or other specialist training like sport, paediatric or mental health first aid. We are equipped to carry out all of these courses for your staff. If the needs are more in terms of PSHE and student awareness of first aid, we provide training and courses for students.
For more information about pre-inspection checks and advice, contact us today to see how we can help.